Tag Archives: regina spektor

remember that time

1 Jun

it is hard for me to believe that one year ago today, i got in a car, endured a very strange ride to the airport, boarded a plane and here i am still. it’s also my half birthday today, so i’m feeling a bit…nostalgic, thoughtful, weird and tired. i flew in from foggy san francisco this morning and whenever i fly into whichever city it is that i currently reside i usually feel like i’m coming home. this morning i felt some angst, granted i had to rush into work, but it just felt a little disconnected. it being me and this hazy city and this job. you know how things are supposed to be temporary and then your life gets away from you? must make sure that does not happen. i suppose squandering the present does not make for a wonderful future.

so in the vain of remembering- i give you regina spektor- a russian lass who now resides in new york city. she’s quirky and smart. and wrote these fun lyrics to her song that time:

Hey remember the time when I found a human tooth down on Delancey
Hey remember that time we decided to kiss anywhere except the mouth
Hey remember that time when my favorite colors were pink and green
Hey remember that month when I only ate boxes of tangerines
So cheap and juicy, tangerines

p.s. good god there are a lot of beautiful women in san francisco. real, real women. i fell in love at least fifty times this weekend.